Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Protect Your Pendrive From Autorun Virus

Hello Fans, Autorun virus is one of the destructive virus and its very hard to recover data if autorun will capture it. So here is the tool which allow you to protect your pendrive from this autorun virus. Mostly autorun viruses are present in internet cafe's and when you plug your pendrive from others computer to your computer then these types of viruses are got created.

BitDefender come with new application called USB immunizer that immunize your USB and prevent it from autorun virus .It create an autorun file that can't be modify and replaced by autorun virus.

The Immunize Computer slider allows you to toggle the autorun feature On or Off for any removable media (except for CD/DVD-ROM devices). If you accidentally plug in an infected USB drive that has not been immunized, the computer will not auto-execute the piece of malware located on the USB storage device.

?? Download this autorun remover tool from below link ??

Hope by following this trick, you can easily remove your virus from pendrive and use it freely without worrying about anything. Still if you are facing any problem then comment below for further help.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Increase Copy Speed Using Registry Trick

Hello Readers, This trick is specially for Windows 7, because windows 7 got very less copy speed. We can say this is the only bug in windows 7 that its copying speed is very bad. So here is the trick which will increase the copy speed by editing in registry editor. This trick is mainly working in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. 

By following below trick, you can surely increase copy speed of your computer. Follow it and enjoy super fast copying speed. Try below given steps correctly and see the difference in copying .

Steps To Follow For Increasing Copy Speed By using Registry Trick.

  • At first Download this packet called KB2581464 from below given link ??

  •  After installing above packet, restart your computer and open the registry editor by putting REGEDIT command in RUN window.
  •  In the Registry, navigate to addresses in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ usbstor.
  •  Now right click on USBSTOR and select NEW -- Key and put this key name VVVVPPPP.
  •  Now select VVVVPPPP and in the right pane right click and select New -- DWORD Value and name it MaximumTransferLength.

  •  Now right click on Maximum Transfer Length and put value data 2097120.

  • That's It !! Now restart your computer and see the difference in copying data to usb.

Hope you can successfully increase your computer's copy performance by following this trick . Comment below for any queries.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How To Access Gmail In Offline Mode

First Of All, Welcome Readers To CS Tricks. Most of us are using Gmail  for our email services, but for accessing Gmail we need Internet services. But here is the trick which allows you to access your mails in gmails even your internet is not working or down. Similar to Google Docs, Gmail gives users the ability to access content offline. However, while Google Docs only allows you to view files, Gmail also allows you to edit the email without further connection after login Gmail through Google Chrome.

Follow Below Steps Correctly ??

1)  Login Gmail account through Google Chrome.

2) Click the gear icon at right angles to the screen and select �Settings�

3) From the navigation bar, select �Offline� and click �Install Gmail Offline�.

4) Click �Add To Chrome blue� and select �Add� from the screen �Confirm New App�.

5) Confirm New APP ?? Click YES.

6) After installing the application is complete, an icon �Offline Google Mail� will automatically appear on your Chrome application.

7) Just click on the icon, select �Allow offline mail� and select �Continue�. Since then, your Gmail account will be synchronized with your computer, allowing you to access gmail even without network connection.

That's It !! Now Enjoy E-Mailing even your Internet is Off.

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